Let us admit that almost all of us love to sleep because it is a way to escape from reality- worries, problems, and dilemmas. Some of us can even sleep anywhere- at the bus, office, and other places. However, we should always remember that if we want to prevent spine problem, we should at least lie on a mattress made of high quality, most especially if we are going to sleep for a longer period of time. There are numerous options available in the market which is why it is very hard to choose the perfect mattress nowadays. Hence, Mattress Battle will be of great help in determining the perfect mattress for you depending on our purpose of buying one. Looking for the right mattress In their DreamCloud vs Sapira comparison, we are going to learn what makes these products special and how to choose one that fits for our unique needs.
Did you know that a person spends almost 1/3 of his/her life in bed, positioned horizontally, and 2/3 of his/her life in an upright position. When sleeping, we must lying on the bed and it is important that there is no pressure on the from the mattress. Studies show that lying on our back at the mattress can also cause a strain among vertebrae. If we think that sleeping comfortably is not that big of a deal, then we are on the wrong track.
More than 10 years ago, there are studies that support the claim that firm mattresses are the perfect mattress that is best for our health. Years after that, it has been shown that there are better mattresses than that, which is the mattress that give subtle support to our pressure points in our body. When sleeping on a mattress that does not allow the natural spine alignment a person constantly shifts positions, as the body tries to relieve the body parts with poor circulation.
When we are sleeping on a regular mattress, we shift our position at least 20 times. Whereas on a high quality mattress, we only shift 10t times. Our spine will thanks us for investing in a high quality well designed mattress.