
Surfing as a Sport in Times of COVID-19

  Surfing is a sport practiced worldwide by an estimated 37 million surfers (McArthur et al, 2020). Surfing is an important form of cardiovascular exercise for all ages and it also has a valuable therapy for physical and mental problems. Think of rehabilitation after a stroke, depression, anxiety, and PTSD. Moreover, the risk of injury […]


Changes in Heating and Ventilation for Churches During COVID-19

  The development of the corona pandemic is dynamic and forces us to react more and more. Currently, existing regulations are constantly being reviewed based on the requirements of the state and the federal government if they change. The regional church compiles all current information, hints, and suggestions for dealing with Corona and updates them […]


Cars Are Stille Being Towed Despite COVID-19 Ordinance

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about numerous changes to our daily lives, from mask mandates to social distancing protocols. However, one aspect that seems to remain constant is the persistence of towing services like San Jose Towing (, despite the ongoing pandemic. Despite the hardships many have faced in these trying times, towing companies continue […]

Health News

More Evidence Point To The Possibility Of COVID-19 Spreading Worldwide As Early As Mid-2019

It’s been a little over three months since the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 pandemic. This fatal disease that mimics a severe pneumonia was traced all the way back to Wuhan, China, when medical experts in the region warned the world about a novel strain of coronavirus. As the virus managed to go […]