
Journalists must cover stories that are clearly focused on what audience members want to know. To begin understanding your audience, ask yourself this series of questions. Once you have gained experience working as a journalist in a locale, you will internalize the answers to these questions and gain a deeper perspective of what your local audience wants to know from your story.

Your personal perspectives on your audience will come from your own experiences living in your community. You can assume that what you consider to be newsworthy will resemble what similar people in your community will also consider to be newsworthy. But audiences are made up of many different types of people, who many times come together because of their interest in a given issue, topic, geographic area, or leisure activity.

For this reason, you may want to think of an audience as a collection of individuals rather than as a mass of people with similar tastes and ways of thinking. Once you have fully considered your news situation and news audience, you are ready to begin the reporting and interviewing process that will form the outlines of the message you convey in your news story.


Go online and locate a 2015 story of former Olympic star and current reality-TV personality Bruce Jenner undergoing a series of transgender procedures in order to become a woman named Caitlyn Jenner.